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Inclusive Play

Waller Park (named after the existing park space) is an inclusive play space designed to cater for all ages and abilities. While it is ultimately designed to be used by everyone, the purpose of the space aims to use the concept of play to normalise inclusion amongst today’s youths so that they become more inclusive, kind and understanding adults of tomorrow.
With its’ modern design and bold colour scheme, the play space also aims to attract more people to the existing park, uniting the community. The layout of the space follows a circular scheme with flowing lines that represent relaxation, inclusiveness and unity. In addition, circles feature as the main element of Indigenous Australian art, providing a connection with the space and the area’s First Nations people.
The area is arranged into zones like rest, bounce, sensory, junior, spin, water and climb for a variety of experiences for all levels of ability.
Besides the large circular basketball court that provides opportunities for both standard and junior play, the standout feature of this space is the large, bright yellow activity ribbon that works its’ way throughout the area.
The ribbon centres around the idea of being the ribbon that ‘ties us all together’ and in effect, an element that unites us all. Each bump and loop in the ribbon presents varied play opportunities allowing for fun, friendship and developing fine motor skills.
Through regular interaction with the Waller Park space, it is hoped to instil values of kindness, compassion and understanding once it is observed that people of all abilities, backgrounds and ages are able to work together as one to find enjoyment, activity and friendship.
This design concept was created for my capstone (graduating) course for university. The project centres around 'Social Change Through Creative Practice' and focuses on the topic of 'inclusion' and universal design.

At my Oct. 2021 Griffith University Graduate Exhibition I was honoured to receive the award for 'Best in Show' across all design majors for my inclusive play space.
Inclusive Play